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Russia Clients Visited SUPEREGN Office
View Counts : 75
Publish Time : 2023-09-13
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SUPEREGN office welcomed two distinguished Russian clients, whose visit not only deepened the business cooperation between the two sides, but also promoted the depth and breadth of cultural exchanges. During the visit, SUPEREGN's innovative concept, efficient team and advanced facilities were highly praised by clients. The two sides had an in-depth and fruitful discussion on the future cooperation direction, market expansion strategy and technology innovation.


This visit not only consolidated the existing cooperative relations, but also laid a solid foundation for the two sides to open a new chapter of cooperation. SUPEREGN team with professional attitude, warm service, let Russian clients feel the warmth of home and sincerity of cooperation, looking forward to the future can have more opportunities to work together to create brilliant.

Russia Client Visited SUPEREGN Office
